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Recommendation for Guardians

1. Guardian need to go through the students' school Almanac regularly and check the teacher's remarks etc and sign it.
2. Guardian should take interest in their wards progress so they need to attend the parent's teacher's meeting regularly.
3. If there is any change in Address & contact no. It should be informed to the school Reception and class teacher and also be mentioned in ward's diary.
4. If the Guardian doesn't attend the P.T.M they will be fined of Rs.100/- for each PTM.
5. Guardian are expected to co-operate the school management in each and every activity, to maintain the school discipline as well as students progress in every aspect as school always work for the welfare for the students.
6. If any student have found with cell phone or any electronic gadget in school premises they will be fined of Rs. 500/-
7. It is mandatory for all students to participate in each & every activity, so guardians are expected to encourage their ward to do the same for their upliftment.
8. Guardian can meet the dignitaries in the following schedule for any query of their ward. Incharge all wings- (Tue to Friday) - 8:00 am to 8:30 am & 1:35 pm to 2:15 Pm Class teachers (Mon to Friday) - 1:30 pm to 2:15 pm & in PTM.
9. Guardian/ Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom or talk to the teachers on Gate no-2 or during the class hours. If there is any complaint, it should be written in wards diary or reported at the school reception only.
10.Guardian need to take prior appointment to meet the Principal.
11.School is not responsible for the student's activity after leaving the school premises.


Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad

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