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Rules and Regulation for Students

1. Students must reach the school at least five minutes before the scheduled time in proper Uniform. Late comers & students without Uniform will not be allowed.
2. Students coming late for any reason & who have been absent on the previous day must bring an Application duly signed by the Guardian.
3. Students must come to the school in neat, clean & prescribed uniform and polished shoes. The hair should be trimmed & Army cut (except the Sikh boy) and the nails must be cut regularly long hair (Boys), any kind of Bollywood hair style, Jewellery, Henna, Tattoos should not be worn in the school. Girls with long hair should make plaits and should use only black & white Bands/ Ribbons. And should also wear shorts under skirt.
4. Students should not write/ scratch on walls, chairs & desks, washrooms etc. They should also not damage the other students belongings.
5. Students are not allowed to bring any weapons, Trinket, cell phones, any electronic item, Wallet or any objectionable item or literature in the school premises. If these types of things are found the same will be confiscated in the school and would not be returned in any condition.
6. Students must respect the school property and premises, any kind of damage done to the school property by any student will have to be paid by him.
7. If any student or parent misbehaves with any school teaching staff member or Non- teaching Staff or damage the school property the school has the right to rusticate or terminate such student from the school. T.C shall be issued after clearing all dues.
8. In the event of collective damages to school Property or in the classroom, the entire class will be fined the cost of damage.
9. Students are not allowed to leave the class without class- pass and moving in another classes in between the classes, Loitering in the lobby corridor, Office/Reception and the school areas is strictly prohibited even during the recess.
10. Students are expected to bring school Diary & books/copies according to the Time table daily. Negligence of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the staff, leads to dismissal of the students.
11. In order to acquire proficiency in English all the students must maintain the speaking atmosphere in the school.
12. The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the students' loss of money, books, copies or any costly articles, jewellery. The students are advised to take care of their own belongings very carefully.
13. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the prior permission of the principal. Students would not be provided any short leaves and it is compulsory to complete min. 75% of attendance in one academic session.
14. Followings are strictly prohibited in school premises.
a. Use of any kind of intoxicants or drug or smoking
b. Fighting, quarrelling, misbehaving & abusing with other student either in school premises or outside the school
c. Damage or destroy to any school property or spitting here & there in school campus.
d. Any community/caste based or vulgar comment to any students. If any of these is observed, it leads to proper punishment or dismissal and concerned students will himself be responsible for the consequences.
15. At the end of the day, before leaving the classroom monitors must switch off the lights and fans, shut the windows, and students must collect their all belongings carefully. Students should come in queue without pushing each other to the school gate.
16. Students should be well behaved and well mannered in the school premises as well as outside the school and at home also, as their behaviour affects the image of the school and their family as well.
17. Only Guardians must come to pick up their ward from the school. No child will be sent alone or with other person, only Guardians need to pick their children for security reasons.
18. Parents are requested not to keep any religious, social or Medical appointments during school hours. Students would not be permitted to leave in between the school hours in any condition, until prior permission. Students should not collect, lend, borrow or exchange money or any gift or any belongings from others.
19. It is compulsory for all the students to take part in each & every activity whether it is academics or co- curricular during the ongoing session.
20. It is compulsory to obey all rules and regulations for every student if there is disobedience the school management has authority to rusticate or struck off the name of the responsible student from the school.
21. Parents are expected to co-operate in the smooth working of the school and to maintain discipline and should also take interest in their wards progress and to attend every P.T.M.
22. Guardian/Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom or talk to the teachers on Gate No-2 or during the class hours. If there is any complaint, it should be written in wards diary or reported at the school reception only.
23. Girls are not allowed to wear any kind of jewellery, fancyhair clip, grow long nails or use nail paints & Heena.
24. Bikes or four wheelers are not allowed for students only bicycle should be used.
25. Daily requirements & Tiffin have to be brought to school by the students. No items will be accepted at the school reception.
26. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings by having them neatly labelled or named and covered with plastic covers.
27. Students should not collect, borrow or lend any money or material among themselves. If any student is found involved in such activities, serious disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.
28. No short leave, during the school hours is allowed.


Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad

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